In order to maximize our ability to burn stored energy ( Body Fat ) we need to be maintaining our exercise heart rate between a certain range. The range depends on how fit you are and what activities you will be using to achieve your desired fitness effect.
To Calculate your exercise training zone Please use this formula:
220 - ( your age ) - ( your resting heart rate, RHR )* = Your Heart rate reserve zone (HHR)
Using your Heart rate reserve zone you can determine what your fitness zones should be. For example: Robin is a 42 year old adult. Robin begins by taking their pulse. Either by testing pulses at the carotid artery or the radial artery or if you have a i Watch or FitBit. Before taking be sitting still for at least 20 sec before checking. P.S If taking measure at the wrist or carotid be gentle with pressure as these are sensitive areas of the body.
Robin's resting heart rate is 68 bpm. Using the formula above:
220 - 42 - 68 = 110 heart rate reserve.
figure out your low and high zones. The range used is 40 - 80 of the HHR
110 x .40 + 68 = 112
110 x .80 + 68 = 156
Once Robin has figured out the lows and highs. This will be the zone they will maintain throughout their cardio activities. The minimum should be 112 and the max should be 156. Try your best to stay between both of these ranges. As Robin gets fitter they will notice that their heart rate won't be in the 156 zone it may be lower as a result of increase efficiency of the heart muscle in its ability to pumping oxygenated blood through the body.
This calculation is beneficial in aiding in a few things:
Better breathing
Less fatigue
Burning stored energy ( fat )
Daily cardio is recommended. Minimum of 15 min - 60 min daily. If you don't have a full hour. Break it up in increments 10 min here, 5 min here, 20 min here. Something is better that nothing.
If you have trouble figuring it out. Contact me and I'll help you.
Next Level Fitness is a small private fitness facility in Oakland, CA. It is located in the GrandLake area of Oakland. Next Level Fitness provides chiropractic, personal training and small group training services to these areas of Oakland 94610, 94611, 94602. We cater to " Every-Body " but specialize in fitness services for adults 30 (+). Please join our fitness family!
A.Pigott DC