3530 Grand Ave, Oakland, California 94610

So, When are you going to start exercising again?!

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So, When are you going to start exercising again?!

It's been about 6 months since the world as we know it came to a grinding halt due to the Covid 19 pandemic. Things that we took for granted as every day isms are now a thing of the past. For now. As a result of the world wide lockdown maintaining a fitness based lifestyle has been quite a challenge. 

As soon as the orders came down to "stay in place" all things fitness related at stores and online whether hanging on a shelf or laying on the floor WAS GONE!. Talk about supply and demand! Before the pandemic, you could  go to any Dick's Sporting Goods, Big 5, or SportMart and you'd see all kinds of exercise equipment littering the store floor. Not so ANYMORE!

As a result of the lack of equipment or facilities to maintain an active lifestyle. What recourses do people have available maintain a healthy fitness lifestyle?

Well a vast majority of people are turning to online services to help them navigate this event until we get to a stable place again.

Preparing for Online training

Let's face it. Our "normal" world is disrupted for the time being. It's time for us to get back  to making our personal lives more like "normal" than societies. In my last blog I outlined what to look for in a trainer. Hopefully you have been seeking a fitness professional out in your community. Once you find her or him plan out your time training by following these steps listed below:

  1. Find out what tools are needed to train properly with this fitness professional. they will be able to direct or improvise methods to help you get the most out of your sessions
  2. Make sure you have the right imaging tools: A Desktop is better than a phone. An Ipad is better than a phone. It all comes down to imaging size and seeing an effective picture of yourself and your trainer while exercising.
  3. Have the latest software updates fro you device.
  4. Make sure there is good lighting and there is no back light that would obscure your image
  5. Ask ? if you need answers

The online fitness world is a bit different as it's a 1 - 2 dimensional projection. Make sure your fitness professional has the ability to see you at angles to determine proper form to minimize injury. Be patient as yo learn to interact with a screen. After a few sessions it'll be more familiar. 

Our goals at this period in time is to do theses 3 things:

  1. Stay Positive
  2. Stay Connected
  3. Stay Healthy

Hope this helps you!!

Next Level Fitness is a small private fitness facility in Oakland, CA. It is located in the GrandLake area of Oakland. Next Level Fitness provides chiropractic, personal training and small group training services to these areas of Oakland 94610, 94611, 94602. We cater to " Every-Body " but specialize in fitness services for adults 30 (+).

Please join our fitness family!

A.Pigott DC





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