Hello Current and Potential Next Levelers,
Every year we begin a new year in our fitness endeavors as we make an attempt to get your body back in shape. How do you make your fitness goals a reality?
Well we start with reset by analyze your :
- palate: what are you r daily food choices
- digestion: are you having digestive issues that can prevent you from assimilating nutrients in your diet
- metabolism: how are you fueling your body
- Attitude: perception of yourself
Once you get a idea of what you need to improve upon you can address it by following these 5 action items:
Food: What is the most important meal of the day? The one after you wake up. BREAKFAST!!! What a cool fitness tip? Don't skip breakfast!. Too many people wake up and drink coffee as breakfast. Or worse of al eat nothing! Don't do that. After you have slept for 6-8 hours and you are revving your body up for for the day. You need to fuel your body to maximize your daily potential. So, eat. Bowl of cereal, yogurt and berries, slice of toast with avocado and egg. Meals as I described are the key to simple energy intake to help you get your day started. Donuts, pastries coffee and pancakes and stuff like that are not the most energy efficient for you.
Aerobic: move often. It's as simple and can be as complicated as that. But, the rule of thumb is to walk at least 10,000 steps/day. For me, realistically; it's about you being aware that you aren't moving as much as you can. Thats' why having an exercise tracker can help remind us to get active and move about.
Recovery: AKA Sleep, Shut-Eye, dream land, getting my zzz's. Sleep is the ultimate form of recovery. If you can get "restful sleep" one in which you can sleep uninterrupted throughout the night will be most beneficial for you in helping your body regenerate.
Unplug: Turn off the phone, TV, I pad, or what ever has a screen glues to your eyes! Research finds that staring at screens be it phone, TV or laptop can play havoc with brain chemicals that can affect your ability to fall asleep. Try reading a book or a comic book or do a word puzzle before you go to bed. Anything that can help you " decompress" the day and allow your body to naturally wind down can be very helpful yo you.
Fitness: Always and forever. Working out is the BEST and the ONLY quantifiable therapeutic routine that can aid quality to your life. It helps strength and build more resilient so that your body can with stand the rigors of your daily life. Having a fitness professional design , implement and encourage you to be your fitness best is worth not having the headache of trying to figure out what to do, how to do it. A fitness professional wan take the guessing game out it for you so that you can your ideal happy YOU.
Next Level Fitness is a small private fitness facility in Oakland, CA. It is located in the GrandLake area of Oakland. Next Level Fitness provides chiropractic, personal training and small group training services to these areas of Oakland 94610, 94611, 94602. We cater to " Every-Body " but specialize in fitness services for adults 30 (+).
Please join our fitness family!
A.Pigott DC