Quick Tip: 1-Minute Metabolism Booster
The easiest 350 calories you'll ever burn: Exercise is obviously important, but regular daily activity known as "NEAT" ( non-exercise activity thermogenesis ) is equally essential for a healthy metabolism. What is NEAT? It's the activity of creating small movements throughout the day such as:
- Stretching your legs
- Taking the stairs
- Parking your car far from the store
- Pushing a shopping car
- Carrying your groceries in bags
- Standing to talk on the phone
- Driving kids around and getting in and out of car
- Drinking water ( What? Yes. Takes calories to warm water to body temperature.)
Which if performed in 1-minute intervals can add up to an extra 350 calories burned a day!
So adding small activities throughout the day on top of your regular exercise routine can make a huge difference in helping you achieve your health, fitness and weight-loss goals. It shouldn't be a project to do these things. But be conscious to DO IT.
Yours in fitness.