Here is a tasty dish that you can enjoy as a breakfast, snack or dessert.
Here's the nutrient content:
253 Calories, 44 g Carbohydrates, 4 g fat, 2 g saturated fat,2 g fiber, 172 mg sodium. ( The carbohydrates are from fructose a natural long chain sugar molecule that has a slower burning effect when it comes to activity rather that the quick burning effect that 1 gets from candy).
It's best to use fresh fruits from the farmers market or from the organic section of your favorite store.
- 1/2 cup fresh berries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, either individually or a combination of
- 2 tablespoons low fat Granola
- 1 Cup/ 8 fl oz. Non Fat or Low Fat ( I prefer whole fat ) plain or vanilla yogurt
Place the berries of your choice and the granola in a small bowl. Mix them.
Spoon half the mixture into a serving dish or parfait glass. Spoon the yogurt over the granola mixture. Alternate the combinations in the dish or glass. Sprinkle the remaining granola-strawberry mixture on top.
Take care to consume 1 cup.Which is the serving size of the dish. Therefore, use a measuring cup or a tea cup to consume.
Learn to savor what you are eating without the temptation to "CHASE FLAVOR".
That's what gets some of us into trouble.
Bon Appetite!!