Air Quality:
Breathing good air is essential if we are to live on the planet earth. Without it ,like water we will die. Currently we are experiencing a rash of fires here in Northern California that is placing our communities under duress and limiting the activities that we can perform out in our environment. So what can we do to minimize the effects of poor air quality on our bodies? Here are some things to consider:
- Where loose fitting clothing that can help dissipate the air through your clothing so that it doesn't make you to hot
- Wear a proper fitting face mask. It has been recommended to use a N95 ( see the picture )
- Drink a lot of fluids. to keep your body hydrated. Heat exposure can make you perspire leaving you at risk for dehydration
- Limit the amount of aerobic activity you will be performing indoors/outdoors. Inhaling to much particulate matter during unsafe times can lead to gunk being stuck in your lungs.
If you are required to take inhalers. Please make sure that you are regularly taking your recommended doses:
Take prophylactic measures to minimize aggravation:
- Emergency C
- Beta Carotene
- Proper Hydration
- Zinc
- Selenium
Here is a link to a site that can help you determine the Air Quality in your area: http://www.baaqmd.gov
I hope this helps you navigate our challenging environment.
Please do you best to take care of yourself and your lungs!
Yours in health and fitness
Next Level Personal Fitness Systems
A. Pigott DC